Horses · Internship · Lifestyle · SeaWorld · UTSA

2020 whaddup??


Hello all,

It’s been SO long since I last made an entry for this blog but with the newly-established self-isolation/social distancing/quarantine/whatever-you-want-to-call-it because of coronavirus, I’m suddenly found with no obligations outside of my classes (which have completely transitioned to online for the rest of the semester) and I will probably be updating this more frequently.

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What I’ve Learned in a Year Without Carrie Fisher

I could start this off by telling you exactly how I came to love Star Wars/Leia/Carrie Fisher. I’m sure there are many a people that could talk for hours about said topic. If you ask me about her in person, I will discuss said topic. But to save time for those of you whom have already heard me discuss this more times than you’ve ever asked, I will spare you.

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“You’re Brainwashed on the Ethics of Killer Whale Captivity”

Hello everyone! I first want to start this blog post out by wishing everyone happy holidays. I hope the last couple of weeks of 2017 treat you well. This week I wanted to post a paper that my friend wrote for her English class at Florida State University. As you may recall, I wrote a paper very similar to this my junior year of high school, but I wanted to share it with you (with her permission, of course) anyway because she has brought up some good points that I have forgotten to discuss. Citations will be included below.

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My Experience Going Vegan

Sometime during the last week of October, I decided to commit to veganism. In the past, I had decided to myself that I was going to give it a try. I don’t know if it was a lack of willpower or what, but it never really stuck. I think what made me truly give it a shot this time was a poll I saw on twitter. It said something along the lines of ‘which are you?’ and the answer choices were simple: ‘I love animals’ or ‘I eat animals’.

Continue reading “My Experience Going Vegan”

Photography · SeaWorld

Catching Up & Shamu’s Rockin’ Creep Show

Hello, hi, good afternoon.

Yes, I realize it’s been a long time. I went my entire senior year without making a blog post. This was mostly due to me making a deal with myself to never force myself to blog, because doing that previously on other blogs is what made me resent writing. I also figured that blogging only when I wanted to would make a post more authentic.

So yes, I went an entire year without posting anything.

Continue reading “Catching Up & Shamu’s Rockin’ Creep Show”